These special non-slip snow treads offer studs with excellent traction for use on ice and snow. Made from a stretchable material that slips over your shoe or boot.
This bamboo shoehorn features a lightweight nylon cord for easy hanging and storage. Its ergonomic design adds a touch of style to a daily task.
Metal Shoehorn, you can slip on your shoes without bending over and straining your back. It has a smooth enamel finish that won’t snag your socks or stockings.
Elastic Shoe Laces transform your shoes into slip-ons under budge. They're perfect for folks with arthritis or anyone who struggles with tying laces.
Flat Elastic Shoe Laces are designed to be tied once and then you don't have to tie or untie them anymore. They stretch so your foot can easily slip in and out of any shoe, just like a loafer.
Leg Lifter is a handy tool for safely moving your legs post hip surgery. It's perfect for folks with weakened hip flexors after a total hip replacement.