Orthomerica Pediatric UFO is a comfy brace for stretching and maintaining foot flexibility. It keeps the foot and ankle aligned properly to stretch the calf muscles while the patient sleeps.
Comfortable Design: The pediatric UFO™ is designed with comfort in mind, ensuring that children can wear it without discomfort during sleep or extended periods.
Prefabricated Orthosis: Ready-made and easy to use, eliminating the need for custom fabrication and reducing lead time.
Dorsiflexion Range of Motion: Facilitates stretching and maintains dorsiflexion range of motion, crucial for various foot and ankle conditions.
Optimal Alignment: Positions the foot and ankle in optimal alignment, ensuring effective stretching while the patient is sleeping.
Soleus Stretch: Places stretch on the soleus muscle, aiding in its elongation and rehabilitation.
Compatible with Knee Immobilizer: Can be used in conjunction with a knee immobilizer, extending its utility to stretch the two-joint gastrocnemius group.
Enhanced Range of Motion: Helps maintain and improve dorsiflexion range of motion, essential for various foot and ankle conditions, aiding in recovery and preventing complications.
Effective Stretching: Positions the foot and ankle optimally, ensuring effective stretching of targeted muscles, such as the soleus and gastrocnemius groups.
Facilitates Rehabilitation: By providing gentle stretching during sleep or rest, aids in the rehabilitation process, promoting faster recovery and improved outcomes for pediatric patients.