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Fantastic Foods That Fight Wrinkles - 0 Comments

Aging gracefully can be a wonderful thing.  With age comes wisdom and respect, but what about the physical changes?  The cosmetic industry thrives on helping people combat wrinkles, offering creams designed to slow the aging process.   

Creams and ointments are just one way to fight the cycle.  Research has shown that it is just as important what is put in your body as what is put on your body.   What you eat helps your skin retain integrity and firmness while radiating in health.

Foods rich in the following help you to maintain that youthful glow no matter what age:

Foods loaded with vitamins are essential to the health of your skin.  Foods containing vitamins A and C are necessary in keeping a healthy glow that gives your skin a dewy look. 

Good sources of vitamins A:

  • Broccoli
  • Sweet potatoes and yams
  • Asparagus
  • Green peppers
  • Avocados
  • Peas
  • Carrots
  • Kale

Good sources of vitamins C

  • Broccoli
  • Cauliflower
  • Corn
  • Spinach
  • Onions
  • Lima beans
  • Cucumbers
  • Some varieties of mushrooms

Foods with large dietary amounts of Vitamin E are also good for the skin.  Vitamin E acts as a natural skin damage reducer.  Skin damage may be caused by the sun or elements and Vitamin E can be used to repair the damage.  Most cosmetic creams used to repair the skin contain Vitamin E. 

Antioxidant rich foods are also great for the skin tone and integrity and also keeps you away from medicines.  Antioxidants work to remove toxins from the body and promote healthy collagen which aids in keeping the skin firm.  Fresh fruits contain high concentrations of vitamin C which is a natural antioxidant. 

Good sources of antioxidants:

  • Fresh blueberries   
  • Cherries
  • Raspberries
  • Blackberries 
  • Currants

A diet rich in healthy fats and Omega 3s helps to reduce wrinkles on the face and body.  Incorporating more orange sea foods such as lobster and salmon help to combat the ever apparent wrinkle vendetta.  Lobster is a great source of the powerful anti-oxidant known as astaxanthin.  This anti-oxidant repairs the skin and protects it from harmful environmental toxins. Both salmon and lobster help to keep the skin looking younger longer.  They are both secret weapons when combating the war on wrinkles. 

Good sources of antioxidants:

  • tuna
  • eggs
  • nuts
  • flax seed oil 
  • grape seed oil

Other helpful tips that can be adjusted in your diet to promote healthy and viable skin include increasing the amount of water consumed on a daily basis.  Water hydrates your skin and keeps it healthy and free from toxins.  Drinking at least eight to ten 8 ounce glasses per day helps to carry nutrients to the skin that are being eaten at each meal. 

Eliminating or cutting back on caffeine rich drinks and foods helps to keep the skin hydrated.  Coffees, teas and sodas can all dehydrate your skin which results in the promotion of wrinkles. 

Studies have shown that eating soy-based foods also helps in reducing the risk of wrinkles.  Soy actually improves the skin’s structure and helps it to look more firm and less wrinkly.  Soy-based foods may come in the form of milk, tofu and meat alternatives. 

Reducing refined sugar intake is also a positive when trying to eliminate the initiation and spread of wrinkles.  Too much sugar can actually harden the collagen in your skin which causes it to weigh down, sag and become heavy.  The heaviness of the skin causes wrinkles.  Cinnamon is a great sugar alternative and can be used to sweeten coffee, teas and other foods.  Cinnamon is also a great ingredient to prevent the body’s blood sugar from rising. 

With a few tweaks of the diet, wrinkles can be a thing of the past.  It is never too late to start eating healthier and making the necessary changes to eliminate those distressing signs of aging.  Taking a proactive approach will keep your skin healthy all the days of your life.