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Blog posts tagged with 'anatech'

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Active Ankle Cf Pro - 0 Comments

One of the most misunderstood injuries is the Ankle injury as many people assume that they are prone to them only if they are an athlete. However, we need to be aware that ankle injury is also possible when walking on uneven road or improper landing on a jump or even a sudden force on the ankle forcing it to twist or stretch beyond its possibility. Though there are ways to tackle this a few injuries require us to visit a doctor and suggested physiotherapy. Life as we know tends to come to a standstill due to restricted movement and Active ankle CF Pro provides this amazing support for those individuals that are suggested a greater level of Ankle support for longer durations.

Most Common Ankle injuries:

Depending on the tissue that is injured the Ankle injuries are segregated i.e. if the bone is hurt then it’s a fracture, a tear in the ligament or muscle would be denoted as sprain or strain and the gravest of all tendonitis which is injury on the tendon. The most basic and common of the injuries is noted as a sprain that is caused due to a slight disturbance to the bones and ligaments in the ankle. Even slight overstress to a tendon could instill great pain and restrict ones mobility.

So, if you are an athlete and your sport is such where ankle injuries are constant and could get worse over a period of time then the Active Ankle CF Pro is the product for you.  The designing brilliance is such that the person wearing the brace has no opportunity of complaining as it is renowned to provide almost unlimited ankle flexibility while not compromising on the inversion protection.

Salient features of Active Ankle CF Pro:

  • Foremost feature would be the U-shaped foot plate that is amazingly designed in such a way that it can be adjusted numerous times and the plate may be heated using a specially made gun.
  • Is designed to fit either right or left foot.
  • The system is designed such that wearing and removing of the brace is not time consuming hence not a major hindrance in one’s life.
  • The EVA padding for unequaled comfort and the back strap technology helps in comfort even when used for long periods of time